Some enemies have immunity to this effect. It can be assumed this effect would have an opponent skip their turn. It is not exactly known what it originally did. This effect is one of the 2 Attack Ups in the final game. It is not exactly known what Energized did but the E3 version of Speedster's power2 mentions applying it to allies.

In the game files, multiple unused status effects can be found: There are debug menus left over in the game, through game modding they can be accessed by replacing an app in the New Kid's phone. His unused portrait can be found in camel\ui\temp assets\combat\entryexit\portraits. Found in camel\baked\assets\ui\power selection\buddy and camel\ui\temp assets\power selection\buddy folders in the game's files respectively. Icons of Timmy's powers, as well as temporary icons demonstrating his powers' range on the grid. Keep him safe and use Psychic Scream to knock back encroaching foes." "The Doctor controls the battle with multiple Charm moves and Ego Whip, which inflicts Confused. The Timmy Whisperer: Doctor Timothy, in full recruitment mode, damages and Charms multiple foes from range. All foes in the affected zone are Confused. Mind Rape: Doctor Timothy fucks an enemy's mind, Charming the foe and convincing them to temporarily change allegiance.īrain Bomb: The Doctor stupifies his enemies. Psychic Scream: This blast of pure psychic energy damages and knocks back all enemies in a row.

"As mastermind and leader of The Freedom Pals, Doctor Timothy relies on his impressive mental powers to control the field of battle – and dominate the psyches of his foes." Interestingly, his character sheet can still be obtained in the final, but it cannot be viewed. These suggest that Timmy was going to be a playable character at some point before being reserved for an NPC role in the final game. There are numerous texts found in menus.locpack that are related to Doctor Timothy, including a character sheet, strategy description, and powers. The game's internal name is Camel, given by the directory going by the name and many other references in the directory in files.